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Self-esteem and trait anxiety in relation to drug misuse in Kuwait.
Al-najjar,-Musaed; Clarke,-David-D.
A suspected case of Munchausen's syndrome by proxy in a Saudi child
Al-Mugeiren-M; Ganelin-RS
Views of Muslim scholars on organ donation and brain death
Al-Mousawi-M; Hamed-T; al-Matouk-H
Changing marriage age and consanguineous marriage in Saudi females
Al-Mazrou-YY; Farid-SM; Khan-MU
Jordanian nursing students' interpersonal behaviors.
Al-Ma'aitah-R; Rajacich-D; Khasawneh-J
A community-based study of childhood handicap in Oman.
Al-Lamki-Z; Ohlin-C
Behaviour disorders in primary school children in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Al-Kuwaiti-MA; Moshaddeque-Hossain-M; Absood-GH